Calabarzon is located in the southern region of Luzon. You can leave heading to Batangas City from Manila by take a bus at the bus terminal located near LRT-1 Station Gili Puyat to pay for 130 pesos. if you want to continue to Anilao, you can ride the bus with the inscription Manila – Batangas Pier last fall under a fly over prior to Batangas Pier. If riding the bus with the inscription Manila – Batangas City, you will go down in the middle of Batangas City, far enough away from Anilao.
From batangas to Anilao, you can ride a jeepney that leads to Mabini from a bus stop at the bottom of the fly over. With pay as little as 25 pesos and travel time about 45 minutes, you will be taken to the junction Mabini – Anilao. After arriving at the T-junction, you can continue the journey to the resort by riding tricycle with pay around 100 pesos.
If you want to go to Puerto Galera from Batangas Pier and boarded the ferry to Puerto Galera from the port. You can ride a regular ferry to pay around 200 pesos to travel about 2 hours long.
If you want to visit Tagaytay. You can ride a jeepney from junction Mabini – Anilao. From here ride a jeepney with the aim of Mabini – Batangas, with takes about 30 minutes and pay 18 pesos you will arrive at the junction Baun – Lemery. From the junction Baun-Lemery, you can ride a jeepney with the aim Lemery. The rates should you pay about 25 pesos to 30 minutes travel time. From downtown Lemery, you can ride a tricycle to the bus terminal. From the terminal, you boarded the minibus towards Tagaytay and pay around 130 pesos. it took 2 hours to get to Tagaytay city center.