Many ways that can be taken towards St. Petersburg. You can use express trains, night trains, inter-city bus, airplane, or car rental and private vehicles. Distance Moscow to St. Petersburg about 650 miles or when using air only about an hour.
Moscow to St Petersburg Train
Trains are the most appropriate vehicle for backpackers because it is very efficient from all sides. For tourists who would use the services of the train can buy train tickets in advance through a travel agent or directly book tickets at Leningrad Station or Leningradsky Vokzal in the heart of Moscow. Train travel period is usually about eight hours a night, while the express train about four hours. Night Train ticket price is about 1500 rubles or U.S. $ 50, while the express train around 3000 rubles or U.S. $ 100. Ticket prices depend on the time of booking. If possible, travelers can book tickets in advance if you want to get cheaper train tickets.
Trains depart from Leningradsky Vokzal in the heart of Moscow and arrived at Moskovsky Vokzal in St. Petersburg. Moskovsky Vokzal has a connecting hallway that will go directly to Plosyad Vosstaniya Metro Station which is located in the heart of St. Petersburg, Nevsky Prospect. The station location is very strategic because it is connected to the metro.
The advantages of using the night train from Moscow quite a lot. First, travelers can choose the train leaves at midnight, which means you have enough time to run in Moscow until the evening. Second, you can sleep on the train. Lastly, arrive at St. Petersburg when the morning and directly in the city center. In addition, using night train quite comfortable and able to sleep soundly.
Traveling by bus from Moscow to St. Petersburg is actually quite uncomfortable, in addition to the relatively long travel time which is about 11 hours. Many people who have been living in Moscow is also very rarely use the bus-ride to St. Petersburg and vice versa. If not using a car, the second option is to use the train.
Using the bus to St. Petersburg may be the last alternative for travelers. But if forced, you can depart from Leningradsky Vokzal or Kazanky Vokzal. Bus ticket sold about 1200 rubles or U.S. $ 40. Long-distance travel by bus vehicle will be more uncomfortable when done in the winter because the snow along the road will greatly hamper travel.
St. Petersburg Airport Russia
Most aircraft from Moscow to St. Peterburg through two major capital city airports, namely Sheremetyevo and Domodedovo. Transportation from the airport to the center of Moscow is quite easy, but expensive. Using both the airport express train heading is an appropriate choice, because the access road to the airport was very crowded and jammed.
To go to the Domodedovo airport from the city center, travelers can depart from Paveletsky Vokzal adjacent to the World Trade Center Metro Station. Distance from Paveletsky Vokzal towards Domodedovo Airport is only 40 minutes. Every half hour there is a train to the airport. Ticket prices per person for one-way approximately 250 rubles or U.S. $ 8. Tickets can be purchased at Paveletsky Vokzal and can not be reserved for the use from a far day before.
Express train from the airport to the city center depart from Belarusky Nokzal Sheremetyevop. Travelers should be towards the adjacent Metro Station Belaruskaya then to Belarusky Vokzal. Rail mileage to the Sheremetyevo airport expression is approximately 30 minutes, with ticket fare about 300 rubles or U.S. $ 10 per person and can be purchased directly at the time of leaving.
One thing that needs to be known by the tourists tends that most closely packed together vokzal with metro station. Thus, tourists just read the map and see if both stations side by side or not. When side by side, the first thing to do is to use the metro to the nearest metro station adjacent to the Vokzal train station.
Flights from Moscow to St. Petersburg approximately about U.S. $ 100. Tickets can be booked in advance via the internet. Using local airlines such as Russian Air, if purchased from previous day, you can get cheap tickets for about U.S. $ 40. It’s just that you can not change the scheduled departure time.
Weakness flight by plane is the location of the airport which is located outside the city, either in Moscow or in St. Petersburg. To go to the airport just confirmed it takes about an hour, then check-in and boarding are also must reserve for two hours. Not to mention when he arrived at St. Petersburg travelers had to wait out the trunk, ride with public transportation into town, and others. so the time you need about 6.5 hours.