Don’t Use These Things on a Plane!

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You know those tray tables in front of your seat? Well, it turns out, it’s best not to use them for everything.

According to a report from Express UK, a flight attendant from EasyJet spilled the beans on one of the things you should avoid: eating directly off the tray table. Even though it’s tempting to dig in when the food comes, they say it’s a big no-no.

“Trust me, you don’t want to eat off that tray table,” said the flight attendant.

She’s seen all sorts of things happen on those trays during her career, and most of it isn’t exactly clean.

“People est their feet and change diapers on them,” she revealed.

If you absolutely have to use the tray table, she suggests giving it a good wipe with antibacterial wipes or spraying it with something germ-killing.

“Sure, we try to clean them between flights, but we can’t always get to every single one,” she admitted.

And it’s not just the tray tables you should be wary of. Flight attendants also advise against going to the restroom without shoes on.

“Believe me, you don’t want to know what’s on that floor. So please, keep your shoes on,” she warned.

When it comes to airplane restroom hygiene, another flight attendant chimed in, urging passengers to avoid touching the flush button with their bare hands.

“It’s seriously gross. So just use a paper towel or tissue to flush,” she suggested.

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