Chateau Domaine de Chamarande Spa

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Photo by zoetnet
Photo by zoetnet

Chateau Domaine de Chamarande in Paris is different from other parks in the world. If in your mind the city park only consists of trees, fountains, or flowers, then this park will be different. At Domaine de Chamarande, you not only can do sports or leisure, but also can use the unique facilities such as an outdoor bathtub and spa. Chamarande Les Bains can be used to relax together with other visitors. In the bathtub or spa is also provided a rubber duck and a yellow colored cushions complement when you’re relaxing.

Domaine de Chamarande spa before is a vacation spot for the French nobility. But this time, has been transformed into a open public place and as a space for all community and cultural arts of paris. Various unique sculptures and beautiful artwork come complete decoration in the garden. Of course you will not get bored spending time soaking in the bathtub because it can see the captivating beauty of the various statues.

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