Feeling the Heat in Ho Chi Minh City

Vietnam59 Views

As Vietnam gears up for its national holidays, tourists in Ho Chi Minh City are feeling the burn – literally. According to reports from VN Express, the city’s temperatures are hitting a scorching 37 to 39 degrees Celsius.

Yania, all the way from Spain, arrived on April 28 and was greeted by an overwhelming heatwave. She described stepping into the city as feeling like she was melting.

“Ho Chi Minh City is way too hot,” she sighed.

Yania found herself sticking to indoor spots, thanks to the city’s attractions being conveniently close together. But even then, the heat left her feeling drained, especially around midday.

Grant Wilson, visiting from Australia for a 5-day stint, had a similar tale. He only dared to venture out before 10 in the morning and after 5 in the evening.

“The weather’s unbearable. I’ve been chilling in shady cafes, sipping on coffee, coconut water, or fruit juice to beat the heat,” he chuckled.

And when a Vietnamese friend suggested a trip to Ca Mau in the Mekong Delta, Wilson politely declined – the thought of braving the 40-degree heat on a crowded bus just wasn’t appealing.

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