Journey to Batad Village

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Batad_Rice_TerracesGuided by a person who is a native guides from Batad, you can travel from Banaue to Batad with about 1.5 hours. After that, you should be trekking for two hours to reach the village of Batad tribe. You will begin to go up from Banaue the jeepney. Only about 15 minutes, we crossed the street which is still quite good for a car passed, after that, you will traverse the steep streets, only about 12 km of roads that are passable by jeepney, while 4 km longer have to walk. Several times a jeepney stopped at a nice scenic spots, tourist invited to capture images and guides the members a little explanation on this spot. narrow roads, destroyed, and steep making jeepney to stop and step aside for a moment when it passed a car from the opposite direction. In fact, sometimes had to be retreated first find a wide spot in order to move aside and give way for other cars to pass. From the construction of the road that looks less and less good plan, the Philippine government has not looked seriously working on this location as a favorite tourist attraction. At this half way, which is often called the junction, the road is getting worse, only in the form of paths that can only be passed by one car.

Actually, to reach Batad, you can use regular public transport such as jeepneys. If the regular jeepney ride, you stop at the junction, after trekking for 4 hours to Batad. Jeepney fare is quite cheap if regular jeepney ride, which is about 50 pesos. but if you do not know the road, you can get lost. After spending the rest of the way on the track the car, you will find a dead end. This is the last point that can be reached using the jeepney before continue trekking to Batad village.

Once out of the jeepney, the guide will usually be advised to be picked up by the same jeepney somewhere else for the next day so return to your Banaue trekking pass different path, and it will make the adventure is not boring. You will be charged a fee of 200 pesos for the cost of services of a guide for Batad.

The journey to the village of Batad tends to go downhill because the village is located in a valley surrounded by some hills in the mountains of Ifugao. Along the way, the guide introduces travelers with local vegetation, such as trees that are edible, flower insect catcher, avocado trees, and trees are also pamelo.

After a two-hour drive, you will arrive at the view point Batad rice terraces are very intriguing. In the valley seemed to township residents who gathered in the paddy fields are green and yellow. After enjoying a stretch of paddy land from a distance, you can move on to the village of Batad. Not a long walk, you will arrive at the gates of Batad travelers. Here visitors or foreign travelers are required to sign the registration guest book as newcomers. You will not be charged, but you can contribute to the development of tourism in this area.
The next tourist destination that is looking for Raymond House. Once registration is complete, you will immediately proceed down to the guesthouse. You can lose a backpack and a quick break to cool off before starting again trekking down the Rice Terraces.

In Raymond Guesthouse, you can order food and drinks that you want. There is a list of food menu here. All the food is cooked by the guide menu, ranging from soups, fried rice, sandwiches, and other food menu they can also make. For drinks, available coffee, tea, and soft drinks.

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