Travel Vlogger Brands Singapore as “Boring,” Says One Visit’s Enough

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A travel vlogger stirred up some buzz with a video she shared on Instagram, where she labeled Singapore as dull and overly pricey.

Quoted from Vietnam Express on Monday (8/4/2024), the vlogger in question goes by the name Nina. She dropped a video giving her take on Singapore on her Instagram, which boasts 2,900 followers.

In the video caption, she remarked, “Singapore’s super clean, but sorry, not my kind of beauty.”

Nina mentioned how Singapore’s traffic is a nightmare and there’s an overdose of skyscrapers. She also mentioned how it lacks that distinct vibe and is just plain boring.

“Definitely the dullest place I’ve been to,” Nina concluded.

Moreover, she wasn’t too thrilled about Singapore’s lack of nature spots and the hefty travel expenses.

Nina also took a jab at Singaporean food. Her video, posted on March 28, racked up over two million views and 900 comments.

The post received a mix of reactions. Some agreed with her, while others pushed back. Some argued that her take was a bit off, highlighting Singapore’s safety and charm.

“Singapore’s my go-to chill spot. No worries about crime or anything. I’ve lived in Rio de Janeiro all my life, and trust me, it’s not a safe place,” another user chimed in.

Others painted Singapore as an ideal living and vacation spot, as long as you’ve got the cash.

Some netizens sided with Nina’s verdict, saying Singapore is boring and overpriced.

“Honestly, once is enough for this place,” another comment read.

Earlier, many Chinese tourists aired similar grievances on Weibo. They griped about Singapore’s high costs, saying a visit there would burn a hole in their pockets.

This year, the World Happiness Report ranked Singapore as the 30th happiest country out of 143 surveyed worldwide. In Asia, Singapore took the top spot.

The happiness index considers factors like life expectancy, GDP per capita, freedom of choice, generosity, social support, and perceptions of corruption.

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