Before leaving check carefully the visa on the passport. Make sure the visa granted as scheduled visits. Sure that your passport is in good condition so that no suspicion of forgery. Try to call a friend in Russia well before departure. Write phone number so they can contact in the event of trouble. Do not ever forget to take note of the address and telephone number Embassy of the State of origin. In accordance with the regulations, when it comes to a foreign country, every citizen is expected to report that if there is something can be helped quickly.
It is advisable that you can read Cyrillic letters that are not too difficult because in general the same as the Latin letters. Also, try to speak Russian, especially for practical daily conversations. Make arrangements right time, when to go, when to return, what vehicles to use, and others. seek as much information about Russia and cities visited so when you arrive at your destination, stay deepening. Get familiar with the destination, attraction, and the vehicle will be carrying.
In Moscow and St. Petersburg, almost all attractions close to the metro station. Because of this, identify all the metro stations that will be the goal. Usually hotel guests to register upon arrival to the local authorities. This is in order to ask the hotel management so it does not become a problem later on. When bringing in more money than U.S. $ 10,000 please make a declaration, as well as when the home still has U.S. $ 10,000 must fill out a declaration card that is provided at the airport.
Please be careful while carrying the wallet, especially when riding public transportation. Foreign tourists face is very easy to recognize that frequently targeted by theft. If you has a student friend in the city of destination should be contacted. With a student card, they can buy tickets to some of the tourist center at half price or even free. To visit the main tourist destinations in the Moscow City needs at least two full days, while in St. Petersburg about three full days. Just take a dollar bill out of the country of origin and little change in the airport. If not, exchanged again in the city with a better rate. Be careful with a very sedate rate because that is usually only the case if you swap in large amounts, such as U.S. $ 10,000.
Feel free to eat bread made in Russia that is in many stores. The price is very cheap and very filling. In Russia usually pay for everything with cash, please bring enough money. When possible it is, so come soon buy a local mobile phone card so that it can communicate with your friends cheaply in Russia to the country of origin. Always carry a map of the city and its metro line scheme when you get around town. Bring a friend who can speak Russian or know the local conditions when forced to go to a doctor or clinic. In Moscow and St. Petersburg there are several international hospitals. Some doctor can speak English fluently.
Do not trash evidence control card entry registration form that you fill in the Russian plane when it comes. It will usually be asked at the airport when returning home. Do not forget to bring your passport when traveling. In Russia buy a ticket and travel within the country always requires a passport. Do not forget to save a copy of your passport in a safe place. Not recommended opening the wallet that contains large amounts of money. Just take enough money in pocket for use as daily necessities. Never be late for check-in and aircraft boarding eventually sometimes be a delay of flights. Do not be surprised if many of the officers at the airport could not speak English, prepare for what the local language or sign language when forced. Do not enter restricted areas. Security in Russia is considered as something that is not negotiable.