Ever heard the london eye and the singapore flyer ? this happens to be the second most famous ferris wheel in the globe. other then, tianjin town in china has distinctive rainbow. this happens to be the solely ferris wheel built over a bridge. awesome !
A few cities in the globe feature a large ferris wheel. decision it london, singapore, seattle, and nanchang. tourists will climb for getting a surprising panoramic read of each one corner on your town.
Other then ferris wheel in tianjin town, china, has its own uniqueness. the ultimate issue in the globe, tianjin eye may be a ferris wheel built over a bridge.
Coming from the website of china travel, monday, tianjin eye built on yongle bridge that crosses the river hai. this ferris wheel has got a height of 120 meters, being one among four rainbow-altitude equal in china. 3 different ferris wheel ferris wheel namely changsha, suzhou ferris wheel, and zhengzhou ferris wheel.
Inaugurated in 2008, the tianjin eye has 48 capsules to firmly transport passengers. every capsule can possibly be full of 8 folks. ferris will carry 768 folks per hour.
To firmly feel up tianjin eye, tourists will pay 50 yuan for adults and 25 yuan for children. you certainly will be taken up for half-hour, only one lap.
Eye of tianjin, tianjin town you’ll be able to enjoy a height. it feels amazing to discover that the large ferris wheel was built on high on your bridge. so, the tianjin eye may be a mandatory destination when visiting the town of tianjin in china.
Tianjin eye is located in yongle qiao, open from 09 :30 to firmly 21 :30 am native time. at night, the ferris wheel was glowing therefore terribly beautiful whenever the camera captured. able to enjoy tianjin of heights ?