The Legendary Adventure Story from Kon-Tiki Museet

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Kon-tiki-museetFan of Kon-Tiki adventure story that has been raised in the form of books and movies would have been familiar with the Thor Heyerdahl who became the main character of the adventure story. If you’ve never know the Kon-Tiki or Tom Heyerdahl and do not know what should have expectations when visiting the Kon-Tiki Museet is located right next Frammuseet, do not worry. It was not much different from Frammuseet, Kon-Tiki Museet also has a raft Kon-Tiki expedition native who used to cross the Pacific Ocean from South America to the Polynesian islands. Tom Heyerdahl is a true adventurer and writer with a background in geography and zoology who initiated the Kon-Tiki adventure in 1947. Heyerdahl believed that people from South America have settled Polynesia in pre-Columbian era. To prove the theory, Heyerdahl Kon-Tiki expedition made.

By using a raft, Heyerdahl sailed from Peru for 101 days across the Pacific and then arrive at Raroia, Tuamotu Islands. Success of the Kon-Tiki raft sailed the Pacific Ocean alone proves that the primitive raft to sail safely and easily controlled. Currently, the Kon-Tiki raft native became the main exhibits at the Kon-Tiki Museet Oslo. You just pay a ticket for 65 NOK or free if you use the Oslo Pass to get into the Kon-Tiki Museum.

In addition there are a raft Kon-Tiki, Kon-Tiki Museet also extends several photos of Heyerdahl adventures while on Easter Island. There he helped re-establish local residents statue that fell along the Easter Island. Some traditional Easter Island statues also adorn some corners of the Kon-Tiki Museet.

Tom Heyerdahlm write her experiences into a book with the title The Kon-Tiki Expedition in 1948, while a documentary film about the Kon-Tiki expedition won an Academy Award in 1951. The documentary can be watched for free in one of the rooms in the Kon-Tiki Museet. If you are reluctant to read history written in the museum, perhaps the option to watch the film and see first hand the struggle to conquer the Pacific Ocean Heyerdahl more fun and not boring.

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