In yet another wacky hotel saga, a guest pulls off a daring heist by swiping a hotel speaker during check-out. This eyebrow-raising incident unfolded at a Pattaya hotel in Thailand, as per The Thaiger’s report on a fateful Friday (23/2), right on Valentine’s Day.
So, here’s the scoop: this guest was chilling on a two-night staycation, accompanied by a duo of cohorts, plotting their misadventure. As they bid adieu at the check-out counter, they found themselves in a dimly lit, unsupervised corner of the hotel. And guess what? They seized the moment, snagging the hotel speaker and swiftly stashing it away in a tote bag.
But hold your breath—luck wasn’t on their side. A vigilant manager caught wind of their shenanigans and sounded the alarm. Unfortunately, they made a quick getaway before facing the music.
Post-haste, the manager reported the caper to the Pattaya Police, who sprang into action. Using the contact info provided at check-in, they hunted down the culprits.
After a wild chase, the mischievous trio was apprehended. Lo and behold, the stolen speaker was recovered. But here’s the kicker: it was returned in a sorry state, all battered and bruised.
“The poor thing was damaged beyond repair,” sighed the manager.
In the aftermath of this escapade, hotel honchos are banging the drums for beefed-up security measures. They’re calling for specialized training for their staff and beefing up surveillance systems to nip potential repeat offenses in the bud.