Japanese Gajumaru Treehouse Restaurant

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RESTAURANTThere could be several characteristic things you’ll encounter when travel to actually japan. within the town of okinawa, as an example, there gajumaru treehouse diner is extremely famous. this could be a restaurant perched within the tree utilizing a height of 20 meters. characteristic !

Lunch inside the boat, it’s common. precisely what is characteristic, is you pay lunch connected to large tree. direct from table, there could be a beautiful read as to the town from the highest of pulahan meters altitude. this is that the restaurant for the top as to the tree, gajumaru treehouse diner.

Worth a asiafreetravel of atlas obscura, thursday, gajumaru treehouse diner could be a restaurant perched on top as to the tree. its location in the midst of okinawa town, japan. gajumaru treehouse diner was built at an altitude of 20 meters higher than the bottom. it helps it be look such as a large tree house nested among giant branches.

Gajumaru treehouse diner offers a characteristic expertise menyatap food that would be overlooking the town and then judge the beautiful port of naha. beautiful read direct from restaurant window wide and spacious balconies and stunning appearance real. most especially when you’re viewing it at night, terribly beautiful !

Tourists will go to actually this restaurant via a spiral staircase and appear like traveling to actually another world that would be a lot of natural and ancient. additionally in the stairs, you’ll conjointly be surprised by your presence as to the elevator within the trunk as to the large tree.

Is characteristic isn’t it ? in fact this is often not true gajumaru tree. japanese creations are constantly refined and creative create a tree house restaurant concept direct from concrete, in order that the elevator will go within the trunk. furthermore, the soft rustling of water from naha port can make the read direct from restaurant to actually be ideal. not one which gajumaru treehouse diner, that has got a restaurant referred to as one as to the best sights in okinawa, japan.

Not no more than has the very best scenery, gajumaru treehouse diner can be known because of its wonderful cuisine. cost of meals here ranging from 1000 yen. the restaurant can be suitable if you really go with friends. curious about spending lunch here ?

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