Best Supplies for Traveling in Southeast Asia

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Boat_on_boracay_beachLessons before traveling is preparing the appropriate equipment. Always give priority to the primary equipment first, and other equipment if there is an empty space in your bag. Here are some of the main gear before traveling, such as cellular phone, backpack, purse, passport, airline tickets, mobile phone charger, flash camera bags, foreign currency, medicine, clothing, documents and itinerary, jackets, toiletries, pens, shoes, socks hands, socks, and a universal converter.

Only after that you can make a list of secondary needs like blankets, tripods, books, watches, umbrellas, raincoats, compass, instant food, and other supplies. The next lesson is to prepare foreign currencies of the countries in south east asia. Which is usually displayed at the Money Exchange in southeast Asian countries, namely European Euro, Australian Dollar, U.S. Dollar, Singapore Dollar, Thai Baht, Malaysian Ringgit, Chinese Yuan, Japanese Yen, Korean Won, Indian Rupee and Indonesian Rupiah.

You should exchange foreign currency that is widely available in the country. We recommend that you bring U.S. dollars or Euros in large denominations of 50 and 100 in clean and new condition. Sometimes they do not want to accept small denomination U.S. $. If you have a U.S.% in small denominations, better spent to pay for hotels or exchanged at hotels frequented visit by Americans or Europeans.

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